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Souper Collection
Yearly before Super Bowl Sunday

For 3 weeks before the Super Bowl we collect cans of soup and other non-perishable items to donate to St. Brigid's Food Pantry. Cash donations are also accepted during this collection to benefit the homeless and hungry in the community. Thank you for your very generous donations to this ministry.

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Helping Our People Everywhere

Each month we collect donations through a special green envelope in your packet. In December we vote through ballots to decide as a congregation what organizations will benefit from the generosity of our parishioners. We benefit one local organization, one national organization and one international organization.


For 2019 we donated to:

Kid's Escaping Drugs at the Renaissance House, West Seneca, NY

Rio Grande Valley in McAllen, TX

Future in our Hands in Kisuma, Kenya


Money from this collection is also used to support "at the door" ministry when  needed, as well as emergency needs for parishioners at the Pastor's discretion. 


One of the most important aspects of the HOPE program is the mission to empower our Parish members to see that they an make a difference with their donations to this fund. We thank you for your very generous donations.


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Warming Tree
Yearly in December

Every December we collect hats, gloves/mittens, scarves, and blankets to donate to St. Brigid's. A tree is placed in the Narthex and it is filled with generous donations from our parishioners to keep others warm during the cold winter months. 

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(716) 823-7077

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Tel. 716-823-7077

Fax. 716-995-0300


1140 Abbott Rd., 
Buffalo, NY  14220




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