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Meet our Staff

Pastor: Rev. William J. Quinlivan
Deacon: Daniel Denecke

Pastoral Associate: Dawn Iacono

Director of Music: Laura Lawless

Parish Secretary: Kathleen Hassett

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Fr. Bill Quinlivan

Pastor for the linked parishes of St. Martin of Tours and St. Thomas Aquinas

Fr. Bill has been with our parishes since November 2016. He brings a dynamic personality along with his musical talent to all of our masses. A priest for more than 21 years, Father Quinlivan previously served as pastor of Blessed Sacrament Parish, Tonawanda.  His 11 years at Blessed Sacrament were his first pastorate and his longest assignment.  Following his ordination, he served as parochial vicar at St. Mary of the Lake, Hamburg; St. Paul, Kenmore; and St. Gregory the Great, Williamsville.  Fr. Bill is an accomplished songwriter and author. 

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Deacon Daniel Denecke

Deacon at the linked parishes of St. Martin of Tours and St. Thomas Aquinas

Deacon Daniel started with us in March 2019. He was Ordained by Bishop Malone in 2018 and spent his first year at Our Lady of Pompeii in Lancaster. "Being a deacon is a unique vocation that straddles ordained ministries in the diocese and family/work life. My family includes my wife, Denise, married in 1993, our daughters, Lillian, 23, and Sylvia, 21, and our dogs. Denise and I have supported our family as public school teachers since the mid '90s and continue to do so. Our daughters are pursuing their careers through college and beyond. We live in Marilla and raised our family at Immaculate Conception parish in East Aurora, where I heard the call to the diaconate in 2012, leading to ordination in 2018. I have had many ministerial opportunities in my diaconate ministry including preaching, baptizing, catechesis, grief ministry, ecumenical ministry, and many liturgical roles. My favorite diaconate ministry has been for family, friends, and coworkers. Some of these include funerals, burials, baptisms, and just being present to their darkest and brightest moments. "


Mrs. Dawn  M. Iacono

Pastoral Associate for St. Martin of Tours & St. Thomas Aquinas

Mrs. Iacono is a wife of thirty six years, mother of four and joined us in September 2018 as Pastoral Associate. She is a graduate of Christ the King Seminary,  and formerly the Director of the Office of Pro-Life Activities for the Diocese of Buffalo, Religion Teacher at Holy Angels Academy, Middle School Teacher at Our Lady of Hope Home school and Parish Adult Faith Formation/ Evangelization/Outreach Director. Her pastoral role is comprehensive within parish life and specific to the ministerial needs of both parishes including  RCIA, Adult Faith Formation and Marriage Preparation. Assisting in your spiritual needs, she facilitates parts of pastoral care through the Sunshine and Prayer Shawl ministries. If you'd like to volunteer at any level of parish life, contact her to build the body of Christ in our parishes. 

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Laura Lawless

                           Director of Music for St. Martin of Tours and St. Thomas Aquinas

Laura Lawless has been making music in the sacred setting since 2001 when she joined the music ministry at St. Thomas Aquinas.  Initially serving as a cantor and trumpet player, Laura’s role expanded to choir director and pianist/organist and ultimately led her to the position of Music Director for the linked parish community of St. Martin of Tours and St. Thomas Aquinas. Equipped with a BA in Music and a Bachelor’s of Music in Music Education from Buffalo State College, as well as a Master’s in Music Education from SUNY Fredonia, Laura has been teaching music in the school setting since 2003. Laura co-founded The South Buffalo School of Music which provides private music instruction to students of Notre Dame and members of the surrounding community.  She is also on staff at Bishop Timon St. Jude where she teaches band, chorus, and music technology.  Laura owns and operates an entertainment company, Sound Solutions of WNY, through which she provides live music and DJ Services for weddings and other events.


      Laura considers herself blessed to have heard and answered the call to make music for worship for our two parishes.  Her greatest blessings include God’s gift of music, the camaraderie of the South Buffalo community, and most importantly, the abundant love of her amazing three children and ever supportive husband, Matt.

Kathleen Hassett

Parish Secretary at St. Martin of Tours

Kathleen is the main person to contact in the Parish Office for any of your needs. She can help you register for the parish, schedule Mass requests or Tabernacle candle offertories, assist with scheduling weddings and Baptisms, and help plan funeral Masses. Kathleen came to us in 2022 and has former experience in both parishes. 



Musicians for St. Martin of Tours and St. Thomas Aquinas

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